Sponsorship for Dodger

Sponsorship for Dodger


Raised so far

  • About

Dodger was the only boy of the group from France and we believe that he is delighted that in his new herd he has several other horse friends that he plays, confides and eats with. These include Louie, Michael and Max. Dodger is a soft, gentle, sensitive boy and he can also be very kind and protective to those he loves, humans or horses. A few years ago, Dodger had a nasty accident, cutting his face open and blood pouring everywhere. We supported him, spoke to him gently and gave him reiki healing until the vet arrived. Dodger was so brave during this experience and allowed us to care for him. His face healed perfectly, and he is still a very handsome boy. That experience has made him even more loving towards us humans as he knows he can trust us to always take care of him. He really is an exceptional boy.