Sponsorship for Daisy

Sponsorship for Daisy


Raised so far

  • About

Daisy was the first horse ever rescued by our founder Susie in 2005. She was an ex showjumper and found herself unwanted through no fault of her own.

She is a wise, caring and fair leader to her herd and regularly supports all the horses and humans that she comes in to contact with. She is a beautiful healer and teacher to us all.

In 2018 Daisy had a horrific accident and the injury went through her back leg right through to the bone. After our vet assisted with the emergency we then followed up with herbal medicine, biochemistry, homeopathy, zoopharmacognosy and daily Reiki healing.

We converted one of our field shelters into a private hospital room so that daisy could stay with her herd and receive love and support as well as keeping the wound clean and allowing her to be in a safe space.

With the combination of all these things she has miraculously made a beautiful recovery and is now back leading her herd and being the magnificent soul she is.