Sponsorship for Bobby

Sponsorship for Bobby


Raised so far

  • About

Bobby is possibly the most extreme case of mental health issues we have ever come across in a horse. He was incredibly unhappy being used as a riding school horse for several days a week or being kept tethered on a chain when not working. He would regularly escape and seek solace in a local livery yard where our founder Susie was working at the time. It was obvious from his behaviour and body language that he was in despair and mentally unwell. After a series of escaping episodes, rearing and kicking out at humans and generally being classed as dangerous Susie agreed to take him to the Sanctuary to help him heal. It has been an incredibly emotional journey helping Bobby heal. He is a big boy who has had to learn that he will always be surrounded with kindness, love and understanding and has to also respect us humans and the importance of boundaries. This is where the mixture of kindness, love, reiki healing and natural horsemanship has been a life changing combination. He now is a very happy pony who loves the freedom to play with his friends and loves his human friends too. Food is a joy to Bobby and we continually remind him to not tread on our feet in the rush for carrots!!